Emergency Response
Emergency situations in a workplace may include personal accidents, fire or explosion, employee exposure to hazardous materials spills, power or equipment failure, trip & fall incidents, liquid spills etc
All of these require an appropriate response and specific types of equipment for controlling the situation.
If an unexpected or dangerous emergency occurs in your workplace, you are required to ensure the safety of all occupants of the affected area, minimise damage to assets as well as reducing its impact on the surrounding environment by taking prompt action as per your company’s emergency management plan.
A company’s Emergency Management Plan usually describes
A. Emergency Procedures including
- Effective response to an emergency
- Evacuation Procedures
- Identify those that hold responsibility in the event of an emergency – Fire Wardens, First Aid Officers
- Notification of emergency services at the earliest opportunity
- Medical treatment and assistance
- Effective communication between the person authorised by the person conducting the business or undertaking to coordinate the emergency response and all persons in the workplace
B. Testing of the emergency procedures, including frequency
C. Information, training and instruction to relevant workers in relation to implementing the emergency procedures
Q Safe S.P.S. Pty Ltd can supply you with all your emergency response equipment needs including
- Emergency Assembly
- Point signs
- Exit signs
- Evacuation Route signs
- First Aid Supplies
- Fire Warden Identification Apparel
- Spill Control equipment
- Evacuation Plans & Equipment
- Emergency Safety Showers and Eye Wash Units
- Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
Emergency Showers & Eye Wash Units
An emergency shower & eye wash unit are an essential ‘life saving’ piece of equipment. Every second counts in the emergency treatment for people exposed to harmful chemicals and hazardous substances.
Fire Equipment
Fire Equipment are devices used in the quick and effective extinguishing of a fire. Current, maintained fire equipment is a legal requirement in all workplaces.
First Aid
First Aid is imperative in any workplace. Appropriate, timely first aid care given immediately to an injured person will minimise injury, future disability and in serious cases, to preserve life.
Spill Containment
Spill Kits ensure you’re ready to quickly respond to a spill. A spill kit that is right for the job will help you to minimise your risk and meet your duty of care obligations. Choosing spill kits that have adequate absorbent capacity and maintaining the spill kits appropriately, ensures minor spills don’t turn into environmental disasters.
Evacuation Diagram Printing
An Evacuation Diagram is a diagram of the layout of your premises that shows the safest emergency exit routes from the building in case of an emergency such as a fire etc.